eck Name: Flavor Text
Created By: Oscar Garza
Description: Black Hand Anarch Seraph Barons
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 19, Max: 34, Avg: 6.75)
3 Jalan-Aajav ani CEL FOR POT PRO 9, Gangrel antitribu
3 Teresita for ANI OBF POT 7, Nosferatu antitribu
2 Banjoko obt pot DOM 5, Lasombra
2 Kazimir Savostin ani pot AUS VIC 7, Tzimisce
1 Mariano Pomposo aus cel pot 4, Brujah antitribu
1 Wah Chun-Yuen cel dom pre POT 5, Brujah antitribu
Library: (90 cards)
Master (17 cards)
1 Anarch Free Press, The
1 Anarch Railroad
4 Blood Doll
6 Corporal Reservoir
1 Dreams of the Sphinx
2 Minion Tap
1 Visit from the Capuchin
1 Weeping Stone
Action (18 cards)
1 Fee Stake: Boston
1 Fee Stake: Corte
1 Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1 Fee Stake: New York
1 Fee Stake: Perth
1 Fee Stake: Seattle
6 Restoration
6 Reunion Kamut
Action Modifier (11 cards)
11 Freak Drive
Political Action (11 cards)
1 Ancient Influence
9 Kine Resources Contested
1 Watchtower: Greatest Fall
Reaction (13 cards)
7 Forced Awakening
6 Ministry
Combat (20 cards)
7 Disarm
7 Immortal Grapple
2 Rolling with the Punches
4 Soak
This file was last saved at 7:57:52 PM on 7/18/2004