Deck Name: Pain in the ASSamite
Created By: Oscar Garza
Description: weenie obf/qui bleed
Crypt: (11 cards, Min: 10, Max: 25, Avg: 4.45)
1 Ali Kar obf qui 3, Assamite
1 Anwar cel obf qui 4, Assamite
1 Abd al-Rashid CEL obf QUI 5, Assamite
1 Badr al-Budur cel dom OBF qui 5, Assamite
1 Yusuf aus CEL obf qui 5, Assamite
1 Zahir CEL OBF qui tha 6, Assamite
2 Tariq AUS cel FOR OBF QUI 7, Assamite
1 Basil obf 1, Pander
1 Krid obf 2, Nosferatu
1 Roger Farnsworth aus OBF 4, Malkavian antitribu
Library: (70 cards)
Master (13 cards)
1 Barrens, The
5 Blood Doll
2 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Fame
1 Heartblood of the Clan
1 Information Highway
1 Path of Blood, The
1 Underworld Hunting Ground
Action (19 cards)
16 Computer Hacking
3 Khabar: Loyalty
Action Modifier (17 cards)
8 Cloak the Gathering
4 Lost in Crowds
5 Spying Mission
Combat (15 cards)
7 Behind You!
8 Taste of Death
Combo (6 cards)
6 Swallowed by the Night
This file was last saved at 7:58:01 PM on 7/18/2004