Tools for Princes
Add Event Page.
Card Game > VTES >
Constructed- Any tournament that follows the rules for a sanctioned
constructed event.
Limited- Any tournament that follows the rules for a sanctioned limited
Demo- How to run a demo:
Continental Qualifier- These events are sanctioned qualifying tournaments
for your Continent's Championship. Contact the Organized Play Coordinator to
get in contact with your National Coordinator. Information for qualifying
tournaments and championships can be found here:
Prerelease- Typically coinciding with the release of a new VTES product, a
prerelease tournament is held. These are non-sanctioned events that occur
the weekend before release. This is a great opportunity to support your
local retailer and see the new cards.
Unsanctioned- Unsanctioned events include any variant tournaments, i.e.
Rapid Thought, Undue Influence, Internal Recursion.
Build your own storyline- Information found here:
Storyline- Throughout the year, storyline tournaments are featured to help
change the VTES storyline. Developers use these results to create new cards
and content.
National Qualifier- These events are sanctioned qualifying tournaments for
your Nation's Championship. Contact the Organized Play Coordinator to get in
contact with your National Coordinator. Information for qualifying
tournaments and championships can be found here:
Edit Event.
From the event calendar ( or Search page
(, you can click on your event
to edit or report results for the event.
Player Registry.
Search for players by name, city, or region at:
Rankings page.
Look up players' rankings by VEKN number, country, or top 50 status.
Event Information.
Once sanctioned, all events will appear on the White Wolf official events
Grant VEKN number page.
Use this page to enter new VEKN numbers for players in your area.
Contact Info.
Any and all comments and questions should be directed to:
Oscar Garza
Organized Play Coordinator
vtessupport // at \\